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Due to the various COVID-19 travel and quarantine restrictions, we will be cancelling all scheduled face-to-face meetings and gatherings of alumni until further notice. When it is once again safe and feasible to hold such functions, we will contact all alumni via email to begin scheduling new events. In the meantime, we will be having […]
Welcome to the New CAN Site!
Hi! Welcome to the new CAN English College website. If you follow our blog and website, you may recall that we lost our government authorization to use our domain last month (due to being an inactive institution for more than seven years). So, we have acquired a new domain name and created this new […]
CAN Moving to New Site Soon
We are pleased to announce that we have acquired a new domain name and will be moving to a new website soon. Our new website will be located at We chose the .win domain name cause at CAT, we’re winners and we overcome. Besides, .com and .ph domain names are just too expensive and […]
With all the pain and destruction we have experienced over the last few months, we are happy to finally be able to deliver a little good news – our alumni have banded together to create a strong and thriving community. If you have not already done so, please be sure to contact us about joining […]