Here you can verify your attendance and or graduation status with CAN.
To access the system, you will need a PIN code, which you can obtain from the administrator after ID verification and confirmation that records exist for you. Once you have the PIN code, you can search for and verify your attendance and/or graduation records on this site. To begin the process to obtain a PIN code contact us here.
CAN Student/Alumni Records Search
*Please note that not all student records are available on this site. Many records were destroyed and we are continually attempting to reconstruct records (but it is a tedious and slow process.) Nevertheless, basic information for many (but not all) students (i.e. status, degrees conferred, etc.) has been uploaded to this site. If you are sure that you entered the correct PIN code, and your search returns no records, or incomplete records, please contact us and provide the PIN code you received. After verifying the PIN code and your status, we will reply to you with relevant attendance and/or graduation data, if available and as needed.
**Information about verification by third parties. Access to this system is possible only with the PIN code number supplied to the alum. If the alum provides you with the PIN code, you are free to verify his/her records on this site. If the alum chooses not to provide you with the PIN code, we cannot release information regarding his/her attendance and/or graduation from CAN English College.