Alumni Events

Alumni 2021 Christmas Party

Well, COVID is still with us. So… It looks like another virtual Christmas party for our beloved alumni and former faculty members. But, that’s just fine because last year’s virtual party was so much fun. We’re sure we would all prefer a face-to-face party, but we can fellowship and swap stories almost as easily in the forums and in online meetings.

To find out more about this years online party, log in to the Alumni Forums and check out the pinned post labeled “2021 Virtual Christmas Party.” If you plan on attending, please let us know so we can figure out the types of games and prizes we will be able to offer (thanks to all who made donations for the party already.)

If your an alum, we would really love to see you there. If you’re not already a member of the Alumni Forums, please click here to begin the registration process. Once again, we hope to see you there. It should be a blast. Merry Christmas!