Hi! Welcome to the new CAN English College website. If you follow our blog and website, you may recall that we lost our government authorization to use our .edu.ph domain last month (due to being an inactive institution for more than seven years). So, we have acquired a new domain name and created this new site for former students and alumni.
Since that terrible day back in December 2012, when Typhoon Pablo left CAN and our community completely devastated and horrified, we have worked tirelessly to assist former students and our alumni in any way we can. Although we were not able to recover from Typhoon Pablo and rebuild, we are still determined to maintain the spirit and community of CAN. You can read more about our struggle here.
This new site will focus on helping alumni stay connected and engaged, as well as help them access their CAN records when needed. We still have a long way to go in reconstructing all the records. But, we have made considerable progress in our endeavor. At the time of the posting of this blog, we have been able to reconstruct (partially) over 65 percent of all student records, and been able to restore about 20 percent of records fully.
While this number may seem low (since it has been 7 years since the typhoon), we are proud of efforts since most records must be reconstructed with the help of records held by alumni, area employers and local government units. Unfortunately, very few records were backed up digitally and off-site. CAN’s meager budget simply did not allow such things. Of course, we are working very hard to reconstruct as many records as possible. And everyday, the number of records restored successfully grows a little.
If you have already received a PIN code from us, you can check your status and records by clicking here. If you do not have a PIN code, you can request one by contacting us here.
Again, we welcome you to our new site. We hope you will get involved with the community. Our alumni community is growing everyday, and the support and love shown by our members is heart warming. So, come on join us today. We look forward to seeing you!